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For English : Template_English_2020

For Turkish:Template_Turkce_2020

Title of Your Abstract, Please Avoid Too Long Titles

(Tahoma, Bold, 12 points, single line spacing)

Mehmet Çevik*, İzmir Katip Çelebi Univ., Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, İzmir, Türkiye

Habibu Aminu, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bayero University, Kano, 3011, Kano, Nigeria

*Corresponding author: (Times New Roman, Italic, 10 points)

Keywords: student, science, graduate

Discipline: Please, insert one of the specified Topics in the website of the Congress


The layout and style to be adopted in the preparation of your abstract and full paper are described and illustrated through this template. Authors are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions.  Your abstract should be wholly placed in ONE page. Full papers to be accepted after the congress should be no longer than 10 pages. Abstracts and full papers may be in Turkish or in English.

The A4 size (210mm by 297mm) page must be formatted with margins of 2,5 cm on all sides. The main text should be typed Times New Roman single spaced, justified and in single column format. The first line of each paragraph should be indented 0,60 cm from the left margin (use TAB key). No line spacing should be left between the paragraphs.

Headings (Times New Roman, Bold, 11 points, centered)

In your one page abstract, either use the single heading “Abstract”, or use headings such as Introduction, Method and Conclusion. One line spacing should be left before headings. Reference citations in the text should be identified consecutively by numbers in square brackets [1]. Vancouver Referencing Style should be used for citing the references [2]. Journal titles may be abbreviated according to Results should be clear and concise. Follow internationally accepted conventions of units (SI).

Tables, figures and equations could be inserted in this ONE page. Tables and captions should be centered, with the caption located just above the table. Tables should be presented as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Number of international students

Model No

Analytic method

Numerical  method


456 459




3 701


Figures and legends should be centered, with the legend located just below the figure. (See Fig. 1). Labels for plot coordinate axes and proper units for the data should be given. Grids and details within the figures [3] must be clearly readable and should not be written one on top of the other. One line spacing should be left before and after tables and figures.

Figure 1. İzmir Clock Tower


  • Aykaç TS, Çevik MN. Vibration analysis of functionally graded parabolic arches. J Sound Vib. 2018; 11(5):181-8.
  • Cisse AB, Coulibaly SB, Javed H. Cisimlerin mukavemeti. Istanbul: Pearson; 2011.
  • Cholis N, Cemil Z, editors. Future of nanotechnology. İzmir: Tesa Yayınları; 2005.