Last date for abstracts


8. International Students Science Congress

is supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) under the 2223-B Grant Program.



Keynote Speakers



8. ISSC (2024) Schedule

8th ISSC Schedule


Congress Fee

Congress fee is 1000 TL  / manuscript

If the corresponding author and the first presenter is an international student, then the congress fee is 500 TL / manuscript.

*Please note that the Congress Fee after 1 April shall be 1200 TL.

15 minutes are allocated for every presentation which includes questions from audience

  • Please do remember your abstract code
  • Payments can be done after receiving the acceptance letter
  • CLİCK HERE for Participation and Payments Details 
8. ISSC Congress Proceedings Book

8. ISSC Proceedings Book